Thursday 5 February 2015

Hello hello,

You may have noticed there has not been a whole lot of action going on over here...well 1) I'm sorry to those who enjoyed the blog 2) I've rebranded baabbbyyyy

The new site is just a lot jazzier (with pics 'n all...nothing fruity of course ;) soooo here it is...


You can follow the blog via email- this is private and not visible to others!!!!

If you do check it out then please let me know in the comments that you came from here! Would be cool to know who was around from the beginning.

Robbin da Good

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Mr Caramel the Astronaut

If I tell Mr Caramel I want to be an Astronaut I expect him to say "YES, why the fuck not!" There are a million reasons why I can't actually be an Astronaut but I do not need him to point out each and every one. What I expect is for him to list every reason why I could would be a great one and what I need to do to get there. There are so many people that will tell you "You can't do this/it's not possible" but that means nothing when my cheerleader is shouting louder for me to succeed then anyone is booing for my downfall.

Your partner needs to be able to dream with you. The biggest part of opening up is not your legs, it's sharing your deepest hopes and dreams. The ones you don't want to tell anybody for fear they may laugh and ridicule you (I know you can relate to that). It's knowing you can come up with something ridiculous and your partner will not laugh but will do anything to help you get there.

Want to find out if you've got your very own cheerleader? Go and tell them you want to be an Astronaut (or your real dream!) and see what they say. Share your story below if you do this and with how they reacted.

Robbin da Good

Monday 9 June 2014

Beware the man....#4

One ex boyfriend I had used to share a room with his brother. It consisted of two single beds separated by a large dresser in the middle. The first time I slept over his brother spent the night in the living room so that we could have some privacy.

My boyfriend and I spent the night having sex on the floor as there was not enough room for both of us on the single bed. Plus the mattress would squeak with every tiny movement. It would have been an enjoyable evening bar the fact I needed to let out a fart the entire time. We had not built up enough of a relationship where I was able to do this freely so instead I spent the night with stomach cramps.

The family flat was so small that even if I went to the bathroom to release there was a large possibility somebody would hear or even smell it. To make matters worse his favourite position was Doggy Style which was just dangerous considering my situation.

I left early the next morning as the pain had become too much. Walking down the street I tried to push it out. For something that was so keen earlier to escape it was doing a mighty good job of staying put.

I had to travel on a bumpy bus for forty five minutes. Half n hour into it I thought I'd make it home safe. I was wrong. I felt incredibly sick and had to get off right then. Not before letting out an uncontrollable burp in front of a bus packed full of people. 

I then threw up over a wall along a busy road.

Lesson learned: Beware the man....who doesn't have enough space for you to fart.

Robbin da Good

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Sunday 8 June 2014

You can now follow via bloglovin!

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You can now follow me on bloglovin...if you want to of course. It just makes it soooo much easier to keep up with posts and you'll be notified whenever I publish a new one. All you have to do is click on the 'follow via bloglovin' button on the top right side of my blog. It's free and easy. Simple as that really.

A new post will be up on Monday as usual.

Robbin da Good

Friday 6 June 2014

The caramel series #2

Every couple has 'weird' stuff that they do together. I'm not even talking sexual. I mean strange nicknames and inside jokes that only you find funny. I think this helps to keep the relationship fun. 

Sometimes living together means you can be so focused on whose turn it is to do the washing up (or load the dishwasher-you lucky bastards) that you forget the fun shit. You don't need to have lots of money to go on date nights to keep things alive.

For example Mr Caramel calls me 'hard nuts' and I call him 'hard fanny' in return. You're probably thinking what the hell, but it's the simple things people. I'm not suggesting you name your partner after genitalia. I'm just glad he's not calling me 'babes'. It's something unique to us and that's what makes it  special. Every time we use the names we smile. So we laugh daily together and that helps to remind us that we do enjoy each other's company. 

I love to play pranks on Mr Caramel. When he's due home from work I've hidden in the coat closet and jumped out and scared him half to death. One time it didn't go to plan and he accidentally (or so he says) put his bike up against said closet and ended up trapping me in there. If he uses the toilet I will sometimes turn off the light from the outside. It really makes me laugh to think of him shitting in the dark. Please don't think I'm torturing him, he loves it really. 

Our living room rug is where we wrestle. One of us will shout 'to the wrestling arena' and grapple the other to the ground. Our bodies our close but it's not at all sexual. Do you and your partner touch apart from at sexy time?

Enjoy the little quirks that you and your partner have! They keep you bonded.

What do you and your partner do? 

Robbin da good

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Beware the man....#3

My ex long term boyfriend used to sneak me into his house in the middle of the night when his mum was asleep. This was because in the five years we were together I was never introduced to her, so was kept like a dirty secret. Knowing my luck the 'mum' was probably his secret wife. Maybe a bit of a far fetched theory as we were both in our teens but who knows? (clearly not me)

This particular visit was for a quickie. One so quick we didn't even make it upstairs to the bed but instead to the downstairs toilet which didn't have enough room for us both to stand up in. Having to be creative with such limited space he sat on the toilet seat (lid down obviously) and I straddled him. I was bouncing away merrily when we heard a loud sound. We paused thinking it was his 'mum' coming downstairs but there was no further noise so we carried on. A louder noise followed and again we paused and continued. When we'd finished we stood up and half the toilet seat lid fell into the toilet.

He told his 'mum' he had broken it by standing on the lid to try and kill a spider. This should have been my clue he was a master liar.

Lesson learned: Beware the man....who ignores the crack. AND always buy a wooden toilet seat.

Robbin da Good

Monday 2 June 2014

Beware the man....#2

I met this really fit guy-in a gym no less. He definitely wasn't conventionally good looking but he had muscles and was able to pick me up. Something which I learned when we snuck of to the cycle room and he had me balancing on his thighs whilst kissing me. I hadn't thought too much of him up until this point but I'd found his USP and was most definitely sold.

This guy was super confident. Tall, dark and muscly and had his own place. He wasn't shy about mentioning this regularly.

Well the thighs had got to me and I soon found myself standing outside his house ready and waiting to be let in. He had promised a romantic evening in, where I would be wined and dined. I knew shagging would be for desert (mama didn't raise no fool)

His 'house' turned out to be a Victorian semi that had been split in two, he lived in the bottom flat. least it wasn't his family home. He gave me a quick tour and when I say quick I mean seconds. This was because the only furniture he had was a bed. No TV, no sofa, no pictures, no nothing. It literally was a sex den. I sat on the bed as it was either that or the floor. He explained he'd just moved in. Err that's something you mention BEFORE your guest arrives. Still I brushed it off.

He disappeared to the kitchen and returned a minute later with a half empty packet of biscuits (NOTE: half empty, not half full). He offered me one to which I declined. He then much to my surprise closed the bedroom door behind him and sat on the bed next to me.

No furniture and no food and I still shagged him. He was my first American guy and he lived up to the stereotypes- he did EVERYTHING. No corner was left unturned.

He insisted on cuddles after (I hadn't heard about this part!?) I didn't resist though mainly because it was dark and I didn't really know where I was. So there we were in the dark when he whispered "What would you say if I said I killed someone?"
My eyes felt like they were going to drop out of my head they popped so much. Trapped under his anaconda arm he fell asleep whilst I waited for the morning sun so I could leave. I tried to wriggle away a couple of times but he was built like a bear and I was stuck. He shouted a few times in his sleep which didn't really help his case.

Did I make it out alive? Erm..obviously! That was just the weirdest sex talk I'd ever heard. Needless to say I dodged his calls and never returned to the gym.

Lesson learned: Beware the man who brags. I prefer a man who brags about the size of his dick rather then anything and everything else.

Is this typical for American guys? Because I was scarred for life and for this reason he was my one and only American experience.

Robbin da Good